Hello Guid Members,  

Summer is a busy season for us all and the Board of Directors is no exception.  As the Guild’s fiscal year turned over, the Board focused on planning and setting objectives for the coming months. We have some ambitious plans and we are eager to bring them to life over the coming months. The first of these efforts, an expansion of our annual celebration of Craft Malt to the whole month of September, is a great opportunity for every member to participate in the promotion of Craft Malt… and we truly hope that you will.

Keep an eye on your inboxes, because there will be lots more details coming your way as plans are finalized for other events and educational opportunities for members. 

We are in the heart of the summer season and farms across North America are bringing their malting crops across the finish line. Many of our member farmers and maltsters have already begun to work with this year’s crop and have shared a harvest report with us.  What is going on in your region? The Guild would like to share a harvest report with our broader community this fall and we want to ensure that your region is included.  Harvest reports can be submitted to [email protected]

If you are looking for more ways to engage with the Guild, I hope that you will consider joining one of our committees in 2024. Led by Board members and the ED, committees are the place to suggest new ideas, shape Guild initiatives, and help to grow our organization. With groups focused on Member Services, Education, Marketing, the Conference, Advocacy, and Governance, there are plenty of opportunities to join. 

As always, thank you for your membership and engagement in the Craft Malt community. We hope you find lots of interesting ideas and encouraging stories in this issue of the newsletter. Happy reading!

-Hillary Barile

President, Board of Directors