Master Distiller and Author Dr. Rob Arnold Selected to Give 2023 Craft Malt Conference Keynote

Dr. Rob Arnold, master distiller and author of The Terroir of Whiskey, will be the keynote speaker for the Craft Maltster Guild’s 2023 Craft Malt Conference scheduled for March 16-18 in Portland, Maine.  Since January 2021, Arnold has served as President of Advanced Spirits, an innovative industry growth collaborator specializing in the procurement, financing, and…

Early Bird Registration Now Open, 2023 Craft Malt Conference Will Celebrate Craft Maltsters Guild’s Tenth Anniversary

Early bird registration for the 2023 Craft Malt Conference is now open. The sixth annual event themed “Celebrating 10 Years” to commemorate the Guild’s tenth anniversary is scheduled for March 16-18, 2023 in Portland, Maine.  “Celebrating a decade is extra special for us, so understandably we are excited to get the craft malt community back…

2023 Craft Malt Conference

Dates:  March 16-18, 2023 Location:  Portland, ME Celebrating 10 Years is the theme for the Craft Maltsters Guild’s 6th Annual Craft Malt Conference this March 16-18 in Portland, Maine. 2023 will mark our organization’s tenth anniversary and we’re excited to get the craft malt community back together to celebrate. Expect tours, educational seminars, receptions, a trade…

Jen Ireland: Learning the Science, Mastering the Craft

One of the products of the Craft Maltsters Guild’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force, launched in 2021, was the Craft Malt Con Online Scholarship. Offered alongside the 2022 Craft Malt Conference, held virtually in February, the scholarship program gave three individuals from underrepresented communities the opportunity to attend the online conference and receive a…

Maany Ramanan: Innovating an Inclusive Future in Malting

By Stevi Cameron at RadCraft  Meet our 2022 Craft Malt Con Online scholarship recipients! First up, introducing Maany Ramanan. Maany Ramanan is a doctoral candidate at the University of California, Davis studying brewing and craft malting. She’s a problem-solver, a trailblazer, and a risk-taker dedicated both to malt quality and to creating a future for…