Craft Malt Con 2022 Sponsor Highlight: Kaspar Schulz

Long before Kaspar Schulz produced malting equipment, it was helping breweries launch and expand all over the world. This Bamberg, Germany-based company combines the highest quality standards with a vibrant beer culture that has been delivering the foundation for great beer since 1677. Kaspar Schulz has installed more than 500copper and stainless steel brewhouses all…

2022 Craft Malt Con Virtual Trade Show

During theĀ 2022 Craft Malt Con Virtual Trade Show, Craft Malt Conference sponsors will present virtual Q&A sessions. Attendees can expect to hear from craft malting equipment manufacturers, malt quality testing and research labs, communications and PR specialists, and leading sensory experts. Sessions will occur on the hour at the top of every hour fromĀ 10 AM…