Long before Kaspar Schulz produced malting equipment, it was helping breweries launch and expand all over the world. This Bamberg, Germany-based company combines the highest quality standards with a vibrant beer culture that has been delivering the foundation for great beer since 1677. Kaspar Schulz has installed more than 500copper and stainless steel brewhouses all around the world. We can credit this manufacturing institution for the development of the regional segment of the brewery industry on a global scale.
Kaspar Schulz was already producing malting equipment in the 19th century. Now during what the manufacturer calls a “drum malthouse renaissance,” they are producing innovative solutions for maltsters all over North America and beyond. In Loveland, Colorado, Root Shoot Malting operates the first Kaspar Schulz system installed in the United States. Root Shoot sports a Kaspar Schulz steeping vessel and two germination-kiln combo drums (with one more on the way) capable of producing 20 tons of craft malt per week. “With this advanced technology, we are able to deliver incomparable malt flavor and the promise of high-quality consistency,” says Root Shoot on their website.
High-quality consistency indeed. Root Shoot Malting has won four consecutive medals at all four Malt Cups in history– the only craft maltster in the world to stake such a claim. “The Kaspar Schulz equipment is extremely energy efficient during the steeping, germination, and kilning regimens and provides us with reliable and customizable recipe development,” says Root Shoot Co-Owner Todd Olander. Additionally, the ability to access our system remotely saves on time, the equipment requires minimal labor, and maintenance is less than traditional malting equipment.”
Kaspar Schulz machines can also be found at West Branch Malts & Distillery, Stone Path Malt, and Mastri Birrai Umbri, and maltsters looking to shop their equipment can find a wealth of information and resources at https://www.schulz-craftmalting.de/en and on their blog Schulz Insight.
Meet Kaspar Schulz at the 2022 Craft Malt Con Virtual Trade Show on Thursday, February 24 at 11 AM EST.
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