Barley remains an important feed grain, but recent years have seen a much higher portion of the crop going for malting. Coinciding with the rise of malting barley as the dominant use has been an increase in the processes and products made from malt. A diverse number of malt products can be made from a single variety of barley…
Western SARE Competitive Grants: 2019 Call for Pre-Proposals Now Open
The Call for Proposals for Western SARE Competitive Grants Chapter 1 Research and Education pre-proposals is open. Deadline is June 4, 2018, 2:00 MDT. These grants – also known as Chapter 1 for their designation in the enabling legislation – involve scientists, producers, and others using interdisciplinary approaches to address issues related to sustaining agriculture. Following scrutiny by…
SARE’s How to Conduct Research on Your Farm or Ranch Now Available
How to Conduct Research on Your Farm or Ranch provides detailed instruction for crop and livestock producers, as well as educators, on how to conduct research at the farm level using practical strategies and peer-reviewed research findings. How to Conduct Research on Your Farm or Ranch also includes a comprehensive list of in-depth resources and real-life examples—from…
2018 Heirloom Malt Brewing Award Application Now Open
Calling All Craft Maltsters & Brewers! Brewers are invited to submit an heirloom beer recipe featuring only 100% heirloom malts as base malts. Support adventurous brewers seeking to connect to their brewing heritage with a list of available heirloom and terroir malts. This will help them to develop new beer styles or adapt classic beer…
AMBA Recommended Malting Barley Varieties for 2018
At their December 13, 2017, meeting, the American Malting Barley Association (AMBA) Board of Directors approved a list of recommended malting barley varieties for 2018. The full list of recommended malting barley varieties for 2018 is as follows: Two-Rows AAC Synergy ABI Voyager AC Metcalfe CDC Copeland Charles* Conlon Conrad Endeavor* Expedition Explorer Harrington Hockett…
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