Each quarter, we round up notable mentions of our malthouse members, Craft Malt Certified™ producers, and craft malt in the media in general. With each new season comes more content about the craft malt movement in the press, and beyond that a greater depth of coverage. When All About Beer adds a ‘malt culture’ topic…
Kernels: Malt in the Media Picks for Q2, 2023
Spring is in full swing and we have a fresh crop of new stories and podcasts to share with you. Read on for our second quarter picks of the best reads and listens featuring craft malt from across the craft beverage and ag media landscape. In mid-February, Alabama Craft Malt Certified brewer Doug Tibbs shared…
Kernels: Top 10 Malt in the Media Picks for Q1, 2023
The start of a new year has brought with it a multitude of excellent new stories and podcasts featuring craft malt. Read on for our first quarter recommendations on the best reads and listens from across beer, spirits, and ag media. Maine is on our minds and the early-December Good Beer Hunting story “Do What’s…
Kernels: Top 10 Malt in the Media Picks for Q4
As a trade association, monitoring media for craft malt-related stories from across the agriculture, brewing, and distilling industries is an important part of the Guild’s work. In the past, we’ve sent these to your inbox in the form of a quick list at the end of each quarterly newsletter. Going forward, we’ll be dedicating a…